I am honestly not sure whether someone said GENESIS because I have auditory hallucinations

Alright guys
this is the second to last installment
of this fucking beast
you guys should take this as an opportunity
to start suggesting what massive behemoth myth
i should retell on video
the NEXT TIME someone gives me money
also i am sorry that the videos this time are so long
i only have so many opportunities to get on the internet
so i am condensing down what would normally be probably
about double the number of posts
into five
five VALUE SIZED posts
so here is your value

I hope you enjoyed your value

5 thoughts on “I am honestly not sure whether someone said GENESIS because I have auditory hallucinations

  1. man that is not a very spectacular hat. either i did a very bad job or you are inordinately impressed by construction paraphernalia.

  2. just thought i would mention, when jacob is wrestling the dude, it was supposed to be in his dream, so thats where the guy came from.

  3. Oh my god that I don’t believe in.
    You are just making me lose out on life. I’ve been reading and re-reading all of your stuff, and i delayed watching the videos because I’m a lazy person with shitty Internet but now I’m chilling at my parents’ place and they have the good wifi so taking ALL THE ADVANTAGE of that.
    This is fuckin’ hilarious,
    You are the best.
    Also I hate birds too.

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