Every time i try to open Youtube in any browser my browser crashes.
I will have to wait until tomorrow to upload the video
once I find someplace where the internet is not constantly being shat into by evil gnomes
I am so tired i feel like hypnos is huffing my cerebellum
I have to work a twelve hour shift that combines plumbing and foodservice in the morning
I feel like i may be in graduate school but it’s hard to tell under all this furious dripping hatred
but other than that things are pretty good
I found a quarter today
and i got to eat a lot of free pizza
whenever i see a homeless man on the street now
I think “there but for the grace of free pizza go I”
I need to go away from the computer now before my eyes come out
Thank you for your patience
graduate school
it seems
we have something in common
namely never sleeping again and also furious hate
One of these days I will have a night off from rehearsal and also be in town. And on that night, we should eat pizza and play D&D and not worry about class or work. Let's make this happen.
I'm mentally sending you a hug in a I-love-your-writing-and-want-you-to-be-happy way rather than I'm-a-creepy-stalker way.
I'm totally a creepy stalker.
Feel better! I love your writing and don't want you to die of exhaustion and/or pizza deficiency
I made you pizza.
Then I ate the pizza.
I'm caring, but have poor impulse control :/