it came down to sleeping or writing a shitty myth
I chose sleeping
with the added caveat that when I wake up there will be great myths
instead of shitty ones
but right now I think I hear a sound that means my hands are falling off
from too much not-sleep or whatever
so I gotta go deal with that
before my imminent lack of hands renders me unable to deal with anything at all
the end
Moral of the story: It’s better to have hands than… not have them.
Also sleeping is good.
It’s okay dude, take the rest you need! Don’t worry too much about deadlines
Yep sleeping is good, especially if it ensures that your hands remain attached to your body.
(Also if you are looking for new myths, what about Vasari’s Lives of the Artists? They’re mostly made up shit so that’s basically a myth right? Anyway he’s like the Regina George of the Renaissance it’s hilarious so read it even if you don’t do any here.)