Oh shit I forgot I was totally gonna thank the awesome people who made my blog better
first of there is the fucking brilliant fantastic S. MELVILLE
who made this thing and wrote this thing and this thing
and also made this whole website look amazing
and ALSO my good buddy Amauri Siegel
who just illustrated THIS MYTH (about halfway down the page)
anyway my throat works so here is me yelling
I will NEVER run out of hats.
this hat is much less thrilling
Iunno, I think that hat's pretty pimp.
Why yes, I HAVE read Gawain and the Green Knight.
Woah, look at that I'm famous.
Wheee! I sincerely hope your videos become the new, profanity-laced Cliff's Notes for the Kids These Days ™. Your versions are _certainly_ more entertaining than, and about as accurate as, the actual Cliff's Notes.
You should post a transcribed/text version of these video myths!
Man do you want to do that? I recognize the utility of such a thing but i am already doing SO MUCH SHIT.
Dante is such a FUCKING MARY SUE.
Okay, him passing out was actually when I stopped reading Dante’s Inferno, because that is high-grade pussy behavior right there. So, never finished it. You’re abridged versions make everything much easier and funnier.
ok so i dunno why no one has brought it up yet (or maybe someone has but i haven’t seen it) but this ovid dude is one friggin hot dude
To be fair Charon ferries people across all of hell’s rivers.